integration testing

i'm in the process of writing some integration tests on a rails 2.3.8 app and am running into a bit of difficulty:

the following works just fine for me:

get "/login" assert_response :success assert_template "user_sessions/new"

post "/user_session", :user_session => {:login => '', :password => 'secret'} assert_redirected_to products_path assert_equal "Logged in successfully", flash[:notice]

however, the following does not work:

get "/login" assert_response :success assert_template "user_sessions/new"

post_via_redirect "/user_session", :user_session => {:login => '', :password => 'secret'} assert_select "div.flash", "Logged in successfully" assert_equal "Logged in successfully", flash[:notice]

The last two asserts both fail as the flash[:notice] doesn't seem to be there anymore. When I log in using a browser I do get a <div class="flash notice">Logged in successfully</div> and I'd like my integration test to actually verify that this is actually showing up in the resulting page that one gets when doing a login. Is this a bug in rails integration tests, or am I overlooking something obvious?

- Thanks, Francois

Francois wrote in post #950301:

i'm in the process of writing some integration tests on a rails 2.3.8 app

Don't waste your time. Use Cucumber. Much less painful and more comprehensive.


Why not you trying for Rspec or Cucumber..??

Good Luck :wink:

-Ganesh K