The current project that I'm currently worked on has a requirement for
Ruby on Rails and the migration facility provided by it to keep
databases in sync. And, I'm completely new to this technology.
Here's my scene :
1) Ruby 1.8.7 patch level 302
2) Rails 2.3.8
3) MYSql (dnt know version)
4) OS : Windows 7
I installed the 1st via the online ruby installer; and, the next two
using 'gem install –v=2.3.8 rails' and 'gem install mysql' respectively.
Also, did 'gem install rubygems-update -v='1.4.2''
On command, rake db:migrate, Ruby is supposed to help run all the *.rb
files and update my database tables. But I come across this,
"No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb,
My rakeFile is present in the project. So, what am I supposed to do in
such a case?
You are running from the application where the rake file is not there. from the rails application folder ty to run this command. Then It will Identify the rake command.