I want to limit my model to just show companies from the current users account:
I have this in my model which seems to be working:
def self.find(*args) args << {:conditions => XXXXX"} super end
I would question the wisdom of doing that - it may work in the short term, but you may find it breaks other stuff.
Now I just need to turn this sql into rails conditions:
SELECT `companies`.* FROM `companies` INNER JOIN `users` ON `companies`.user_id = `users`.id WHERE ((`users`.account_id = 1))
Take a look at the :joins option to find (if you have the associations right you don't even need to write out the join clause in full, specifying the name of the association is enough).
In this case though I'm not sure why you wouldn't just do some_user.account.companies; you'd get back the same result set.