Increment/decrement semantics vary between Rails.cache stores


We ran into an issue where the semantics for incrementing or decrementing a value in the Rails generic cache vary based on which store you are using. I'd like to work up a patch, but I want to solicit some opinions on the best way to implement the changes.

We were attempting to implement the delete by namespace pattern that memcached recommends [1]. In short, you keep a counter in a namespace key and use the value in your target cache keys. When you want to delete the namespace, you increment the key, effectively forgetting the previous versions.

We found that implementing this pattern required custom code for each store.

The MemoryStore will pass the following test case and is what I assume is the expected behavior.

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', 1)     assert_equal 1,'foo')     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal 2,'foo')   end

The FileStore will fail the above test because increment always returns 1, not the new value. Is increment expected to return the new value?

The MemCacheStore requires the test case to be written completely differently because memcached's atomic increment and decrement methods require raw values to be written. The version of memcache-client that is bundled with activesupport will hang if number is supplied for a raw write. This is a known bug [2] and is fixed in a number of alternative memcache-clients [3]. The following test will work around the issues but is completely different from the memory store version, defeating the purpose of the facade.

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', '1', :raw => true)     assert_equal '1','foo', :raw => true)     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal '2','foo', :raw => true)   end

Finally, the CompressedMemCacheStore completely breaks the increment and decrement functionality. Upon trying to read an incremented value, the following exception is thrown.

Zlib::GzipFile::Error: not in gzip format     ./test/../lib/active_support/gzip.rb:13:in `initialize'     ./test/../lib/active_support/gzip.rb:13:in `new'     ./test/../lib/active_support/gzip.rb:13:in `decompress'     ./test/../lib/active_support/cache/compressed_mem_cache_store.rb: 6:in `read'     test/caching_test.rb:195:in `test_increment'     /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mocha-0.9.0/lib/mocha/ test_case_adapter.rb:69:in `__send__'     /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mocha-0.9.0/lib/mocha/ test_case_adapter.rb:69:in `run'

What are the expected semantics for the cache store facade? I can work up a patch with test cases to ensure that the current implementations fall in line. My own suggestion would be to mimic the memory store test case, with the exception that :raw => true should be supplied (and presumably ignored by every impl other than memcache).

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', 1, :raw => true)     assert_equal 1,'foo', :raw => true)     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal 2,'foo', :raw => true)   end

Alternatively, we could create special counter methods (counter_init, counter_read, counter_write) that one would need to call to interact with counters in the cache.


[1] [2] [3]

Doug Barth wrote:


We ran into an issue where the semantics for incrementing or decrementing a value in the Rails generic cache vary based on which store you are using. I'd like to work up a patch, but I want to solicit some opinions on the best way to implement the changes.

We were attempting to implement the delete by namespace pattern that memcached recommends [1]. In short, you keep a counter in a namespace key and use the value in your target cache keys. When you want to delete the namespace, you increment the key, effectively forgetting the previous versions.

We found that implementing this pattern required custom code for each store.

The MemoryStore will pass the following test case and is what I assume is the expected behavior.

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', 1)     assert_equal 1,'foo')     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal 2,'foo')   end

The FileStore will fail the above test because increment always returns 1, not the new value. Is increment expected to return the new value?

That seems like a reasonable assumption, it appears the current return values are just an artifact of the current implementations.

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', '1', :raw => true)     assert_equal '1','foo', :raw => true)     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal '2','foo', :raw => true)   end

That's just nasty... I assume someone's pinged Eric about the bug? I'm hesitant to take unofficial upstream patches unless memcache-client is 'officially' not getting any more updates. If there's some reason for the patches not to be merged I'd hate to pull them and have our own fork to maintain.

What are the expected semantics for the cache store facade? I can work up a patch with test cases to ensure that the current implementations fall in line. My own suggestion would be to mimic the memory store test case, with the exception that :raw => true should be supplied (and presumably ignored by every impl other than memcache).

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', 1, :raw => true)     assert_equal 1,'foo', :raw => true)     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal 2,'foo', :raw => true)   end

This seems like a good api, if you can make the changes and send a patch, we can apply it. Obviously the memcache-client bug is another issue but hopefully that can be resolved too.

That's just nasty... I assume someone's pinged Eric about the bug? I'm hesitant to take unofficial upstream patches unless memcache-client is 'officially' not getting any more updates. If there's some reason for the patches not to be merged I'd hate to pull them and have our own fork to maintain.

Yes, there is a bug that was last touched in September 2007.

From the comments, it appears that Eric is hesitant to apply the suggested change because he thinks the API for the memcache-client should not support non-string arguments. I agree that maintaining your own patches is less than ideal, so I am making the required changes in the MemCacheStore class instead of modifying the memcache-client.

> def test_increment > @cache.write('foo', 1, :raw => true) > assert_equal 1,'foo', :raw => true) > assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo') > assert_equal 2,'foo', :raw => true) > end

This seems like a good api, if you can make the changes and send a patch, we can apply it. Obviously the memcache-client bug is another issue but hopefully that can be resolved too.

I had to change the required API slightly. I forgot that memcache- client will return a string when reading a value with :raw => true. Therefore, you need to also call to_i on the returned value to get the cache stores to be consistent. Separate counter manipulating methods are looking more and more attractive.

  def test_increment     @cache.write('foo', 1, :raw => true)     assert_equal 1,'foo', :raw => true).to_i     assert_equal 2, @cache.increment('foo')     assert_equal 2,'foo', :raw => true).to_i   end

I opened a ticket and uploaded a patch implementing the above API.