Including a json object in Rails 3 views

Hi All, I'm trying to embed a json object into one of views, and what used to work in Rails 2.x now no longer works.

I'm generating the json code in my Staff model:   def schedule     appointments = Appointment.find(:all, :conditions => {:staff_id =>})     appointments.to_json(                  :only => [:id,:start,:end,:title,:body,:repeat,:repeat_id,:mon_repeat,:tue_repeat,:wed_repeat,:thu_repeat,:fri_repeat,:sat_repeat,:sun_repeat])   end

In my view I'm doing the following: <script type="text/javascript">     var schedule = <%= h @staff.schedule.to_json %>; </script>

Finally, the output is not in JSON format, but rather:

<script type="text/javascript">     var schedule = &quot;[{\&quot;title\&quot;:\&quot;available\&quot;, \&quot;repeat_id\&quot;:null,\&quot;body\&quot;:\&quot;\&quot;, \&quot;wed_repeat\&quot;:false,\&quot;tue_repeat\&quot;:false, \&quot;thu_repeat\&quot;:false,\&quot;repeat\&quot;:false,\&quot;id \&quot;:1,\&quot;end\&quot;:\&quot;2010-03-23T21:30:00Z\&quot;, \&quot;start\&quot;:\&quot;2010-03-23T21:00:00Z\&quot;, \&quot;sun_repeat\&quot;:false,\&quot;mon_repeat\&quot;:false, \&quot;sat_repeat\&quot;:false,\&quot;fri_repeat \&quot;:false}]&quot;; </script>

Does anyone know what I can do so that the JSON object is rendered so that my javascript can read it?


in rails3 not use h to escape html.

so replaced this code:

with below