I am developing a site with rails 2.1.2. restful_authentication is used.
I can log in with Firefox but not with IE or Safari. I checked the log and found that session ID changes every time for IE.
Why does this happen?
I am developing a site with rails 2.1.2. restful_authentication is used.
I can log in with Firefox but not with IE or Safari. I checked the log and found that session ID changes every time for IE.
Why does this happen?
I have a very similar question. I have an authentication module where I print out the session.session_id and it will look like this:
BAh7CDoMY3NyZl9pZCIlZDAzYTUzMjEyNzgxYjY1NGVkNzRjOGUwYWMzMmIz N2QiDnJldHVybi10byIGLyIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6 Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNoSGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA==--02b20c5ea458a0a9f5a42e248d83f2438d29f720
Then when I print out the same session.session_id in the next method called it bloats to this monstrosity:
BAh7CjoSY2hhbGxlbmdlX2tleSIB90JBaDdDRG9NWTNOeVpsOXBaQ0lsWkRB ellUVXpNakV5TnpneFlqWTFOR1ZrTnpSak9HVXdZV016TW1JegpOMlFpRG5K bGRIVnliaTEwYnlJR0x5SUtabXhoYzJoSlF6b25RV04wYVc5dVEyOXVkSEp2 Ykd4bGNqbzYKUm14aGMyZzZPa1pzWVhOb1NHRnphSHNBQmpvS1FIVnpaV1I3 QUE9PS0tMDJiMjBjNWVhNDU4YTBhOWY1YTQyZTI0OGQ4M2YyNDM4ZDI5Zjcy MDgwNjI5NTM4MTg4MjcwN2U2NDQyYzM0NDgwYjExOThkYTVlMzNjNTNfNDA6 CXVzZXJvOglVc2VyCDoQQGF0dHJpYnV0ZXN7FiIJc2FsdCIAIg91cGRhdGVk X2F0SXU6CVRpbWUNsykbgB1IV7cGOh9AbWFyc2hhbF93aXRoX3V0Y19jb2Vy Y2lvbkYiEWRlbGV0ZV9hZnRlcjAiE3NlY3VyaXR5X3Rva2VuIjA4MDYyOTUz ODE4ODI3MDdlNjQ0MmMzNDQ4MGIxMTk4ZGE1ZTMzYzUzXzQwIg11c2VybmFt ZSINYzczbXIwY2siB2lkIgYxIg5maXJzdG5hbWUwIg1sYXN0bmFtZTAiD3Vz ZXJfbGV2ZWwiBjEiEXRva2VuX2V4cGlyeTAiDGRlbGV0ZWQiBjAiDXZlcmlm aWVkIgYwIgpsb2dpbiIAIhRzYWx0ZWRfcGFzc3dvcmQiJTQxYTgxM2MwODNk ZGY2Y2ZiOTgwNjk4MzM0NGU3YWMwIhFsb2dnZWRfaW5fYXQwIgplbWFpbCIA Ig9jcmVhdGVkX2F0MDoYQGNoYW5nZWRfYXR0cmlidXRlc3sAOhZAYXR0cmli dXRlc19jYWNoZXsAIg5yZXR1cm4tdG8iBi86DGNzcmZfaWQiJWQwM2E1MzIx Mjc4MWI2NTRlZDc0YzhlMGFjMzJiMzdkIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250 cm9sbGVyOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--b8530fbb05eb97cfa9bc2f825be98190538c45ff
Any ideas what's causing this?
Sam Kong wrote:
Rails 2 uses cookie based sessions by default. You're looking at everything you've stored in your session.
How would I isolate just the session_id or is there really such a session_id that doesn't change state w/ each action of a user session?
Jeff Emminger wrote:
Clem Rock wrote:
How would I isolate just the session_id or is there really such a session_id that doesn't change state w/ each action of a user session?
Jeff Emminger wrote:
Rails 2 uses cookie based sessions by default. You're looking at everything you've stored in your session.
On Nov 13, 2:48�pm, Clem Rock <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
Are you stroing an entire object in that session or just the id? I recently switched from rails 1.2.x to 2.0 and found that session data is handled differently between the two version. In rails 1.2.X. I could store an entire object but in 2.0 I can store only a limited amount of data in the session variable and one indication that you are storing an object is that large hash that you see in your example. I solved this problem by create several session variables that hold only id's - an id for a normal user, one for an administrator, etc.
Hope this helps,
it's a bad idea to store actual objects in the session - just store an ID if possible.
not sure... i've never had reason to use the session_id. i just use my properties as before, e.g. "session[:user_id]"