As title, too bad I don't have experience on this one, anyone could help?
Here is my patch:
desc 'Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION.' task :up => :environment do version= if ENV["NAME"] get_migrate_task_version(ENV["NAME"]) else ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil end raise "VERSION or NAME is required" unless version, "db/migrate/", version) Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end
desc 'Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION.' task :down => :environment do version= "" if ENV["NAME"] version= get_migrate_task_version(ENV["NAME"]) else ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil end raise "VERSION or NAME is required" unless version, "db/migrate/", version) Rake::Task["db:schema:dump"].invoke if ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format == :ruby end
def get_migrate_task_version(task_name) files=Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/*_#{task_name.underscore}.rb"] raise "More than one task found" if files.length>1 raise "No task found" if files.length==0
files[0] =~ /[[:digit:]]+/ $~[0].to_i
What it does is to allow you use rake db:migrate:down/up NAME=YourMigrationTaskName instead of trying to dig your version with grep etc... it would only run when a precise migration can be found so to avoid mis-executed migration.