I got an uninitialized constant error, help!!

hey guys, i am new to rails, so please be nice to me if i ask stupid questions.

I ran into this problem as I try to play with many to many association.

I have three objects,

Category   has_many :artist, :through => artist_category   has_many :artist_category Artist   has_many :category, :through =>artist_category   hash_many :artist_category   attr_accessor :category_ids

  after_save :update_category

  def update_category      unless category_ids.null?        self.artist_category.each do |m|           m.destory unless category_ids.include?(m.category_id.to_s)           category_ids.delete(m.category_id.to_s)         end

        category_ids.each do |g|           self.category_artist.create(:category_id => g) unless g.blank?          end          reload       end     end

Artist_Category   belongs_to: category   belongs_to: artist

============ on the artists_controller, i have new and create method

You're mixing and matching :artist, :artists, Artists, Artist. Your has_manys should be :artists and when you're talking about the class, then it should always be Artist (which should be in artist.rb)
