howto turn off HTML escaping in form helper 'select'

Hi All

I noticed that the form helper 'select' does automatically do HTML escaping for values within the option tag. I need to show thing like the euro sign, so I need to be able to turn this feature off.

Controller:   @crncy = %w($ &#8364 €)

View:, @crncy.collect {|c| [ c, 'bla' ] }, {:prompt => '&#8364'})

The euro sign in :prompt is shown correctly, but the others are not.

Any suggestions ?

thnx LuCa

ps I'm using rails 2.0.2

Hi All

I noticed that the form helper 'select' does automatically do HTML escaping for values within the option tag. I need to show thing like
the euro sign, so I need to be able to turn this feature off.

It's hardcoded to do this. Can't thing of anything you can do except
build up the option tags yourself.


I red somewhere about an option :escape_html Will this or is this already included in a newer rails version ?

thnx LuCa