how would u do this?

Pardon the newbism :slight_smile: I've inhereted this bit of code and it is being used in a couple of rhtml files. I'd like to avoid duplicate code by pulling this out somehow - how would you do this? This is an ecommerce app and the code is for the credit card expiration date fields.

<code> <td colspan="2"><%= text_field "orderdetail","month",:class =>'graymonth',:value =>'mm',:size => '4',:MAXLENGTH => 2,:onfocus=>"if(this.value=='mm') this.value='';" %> <% if @is_expiration_month_error != nil and @is_expiration_month_error == 'false' %>/ <%= text_field "orderdetail","year",:class =>'graymonth',:value=>'yyyy',:size => '8',:MAXLENGTH => 4,:onfocus=>"if(this.value=='yyyy') this.value='';" %><% end %></td> </code>


Pardon the newbism :slight_smile: I've inhereted this bit of code and it is being used in a couple of rhtml files. I'd like to avoid duplicate code by pulling this out somehow - how would you do this? This is an ecommerce app and the code is for the credit card expiration date fields.

You could extract it into a partial you share accross the app.


good idea :slight_smile: thanks.

Now, I have a partial _foo living under app/views/user and I am trying to call it from inside bar.rhtml which lives under app/views/purchase

I am getting "Couldn't find template file for purchase/_foo" error

How to get around this?

good idea :slight_smile: thanks.

Now, I have a partial _foo living under app/views/user and I am trying to call it from inside bar.rhtml which lives under app/views/purchase

I am getting "Couldn't find template file for purchase/_foo" error

How to get around this?

Specify the path to the template, ie render :partial => 'user/ foo' (might need a leading / there, can't remember). I sometimes put shared partials in a folder called something like shared, so that it doesn't look like they belong more to one thing than another.


Frederick Cheung wrote:

I sometimes put shared partials in a folder called something like shared, so that it doesn't look like they belong more to one thing than another.


In my "persnickety-ness", I take that approach one step further by have an entire directory structure for partials that mirrors the views folder (and sometimes includes further division). So if I have

app/views -- order -- person -- product

I'll also have

app/views/partials -- order -- person -- product

It might sound like a lot to manage, but since I tend to have a boat load of partials, it is very well organized and incredibly easy to share across different resources where they might be needed.

Peace, Phillip

In my "persnickety-ness", I take that approach one step further by have an entire directory structure for partials that mirrors the views folder (and sometimes includes further division). So if I have

app/views -- order -- person -- product

I'll also have

app/views/partials -- order -- person -- product

Do you use the same approach when you have nested resources??

It might sound like a lot to manage, but since I tend to have a boat load of partials, it is very well organized and incredibly easy to share across different resources where they might be needed.

Do you put ALL partials in there? or only the shared?

Ya I prefer making a shared or a partials folder i my views where in I would keep the partials which I use very often ,we can also create a folder as a nested folder depending upon the purpose.


Thanks for the explanation and your time.

