How to write test cases for rake tasks.


i don't 've idea about how to write test cases for a rake task(rake file)

like i've a rake file named daily_summary.rake and i had written some code like extracting from the database based on some criteria. and the rake file is executed , its working fine.

        but i need to write test cases for this rake file(daily_summary.rake) so any body can help me how to write test cases for rake file.

  Thanks Vamsi.

Hi there,

Facade design pattern? Try to keep your rake files as simple as possible. The best would be to extract all the logic to the separate lib file and just call the logic from rake task.

task :daily_summary => :environment do   #extract params   day = ENV['DAY']   DailySummary.process(day) end

This way you can test your lib easily. Cheers