How to validate presence of phone number or mobile phone.

Hi    As an example

validates_format_of :phone_number,:allow_nil => true,:with => /regex here/


i don't understand... could you please explain more

also , i thought i use the wrong word.

There are two field like this

Mobile Phone................ Phone .....................

validate if mobile phone Or phone is filled , not neccessary to field both, but filled at least one.


    What I understood is you have to check presence of phone number and mobile number But not at the same time Right? If so please try the following Assuming you have the fields phone_number and mobile_number

validates_presence_of :mobile_number,:if => :phone_number_blank_check validates_presence_of :phone_number,:if => :mobile_number_blank_check

def phone_number_blank_check         self.phone_number.blank? end

def mobile_number_blank_check         self.mobile_number.blank? end


Write your own validate routine instead of using the helpers.


i want it to appear only one message tell that phone number or mobile number can't be blank, how could i do that.

You can do like

def validate         validate_phone_and_mobile([mobile_number,phone_number]) end

def validate_phone_and_mobile(numbers)

                errors.add_to_base("phone number and/or mobile number can't be blank") if (numbers.first.blank? or numbers.second.blank?) or (numbers.first.blank? and numbers.second.blank?)



Thriving K. wrote:

Mukund wrote:

Write your own validate routine instead of using the helpers.

On Sep 29, 11:32�am, "Thriving K." <>

Is there any guideline for that... please.

I have something like this in one of my apps for email and cell:

validate :presence_of_email_or_cell

def presence_of_email_or_cell     errors.add("Either an email address or cell phone number is required") if email.blank? and cell_number.blank? end