How to use oneall credentioal in Rails application

I have created a rails application and want users to login through google, facebook, or twitter, so for that I found and I have created account over there. But the problem is that they have provided proper documentation for PHP, .net, JAVA, But I could not able to find any such documention for Rails application.

I have created a rails application and want users to login through google, facebook, or twitter, so for that I found and I have created account over there. But the problem is that they have provided proper documentation for PHP, .net, JAVA, But I could not able to find any such documention for Rails application.

I downloaded the PHP dev kit, hoping that they were doing something OAUTH-compliant, but this is a custom thing, using JSON for credential exchange, and they are probably using OAUTH on their own server. Usually, this sort of multi-provider authentication is done in Rails using OmniAuth and Devise. I suppose you could write a Warden strategy that talks directly to OneAll, and thus use Devise to authenticate directly through OneAll, but if you're just trying to get your app started and want something that's ready to go, I would recommend using OmniAuth and Devise. There are tons of great walkthroughs out there, including a Railscast or two (slightly out of date, but still extremely useful) to give you the big picture.
