How to use local javascript library for development and externally hosted for production?

Hi guys,

I want to set up my RoR project to use local javascript library for development and externally hosted for production (for example jquery from google). How it could be achieved?

Regards, Alexey Zakharov

<% if RAILS_ENV=“production”>

javascript_include_tag “

<% else %>

javascript_include_tag “javascript_file_without_js”

<% end %>

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Typo: <% if RAILS_ENV=="production">

As an aside, the RAILS_ENV constant is now deprecated; the new way to do this test is:

  if Rails.env.production?


Another option is to create your own configuration file and use the URL to the JavaScript file as a configuration variable.

See here: #85 YAML Configuration File - RailsCasts

Thanks guys. That was really helpful!