How to use dynamic model variables in where clause

I use a mysql database and have the following table: Contract [ begin_date / end_date / title ]

Now i can search and filter of all 3 fields (begin / end / title) and calculate like:

List =“*, TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, begin_date, DATE_ADD(end_date,INTERVAL 3 DAY)) AS contract_lifetime, TIMESTAMPDIFF(month, begin_date, now()) AS lifetime”)

output are now my 3 fields + the 2 calculated fields “lifetime” and “contract_lifetime”.

I can use where clause like:

List = List.where(“begin_date >= ?”, date)

But i can’t use the 2 calculated fields in where clause like:

List = List.where(“lifetime >= ?”, lifetime)

Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'lifetime' in 'where clause': SELECT *, TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, begin_date, DATE_ADD(end_date,INTERVAL 3 DAY)) AS contract_lifetime, TIMESTAMPDIFF(month, begin_date, now()) AS lifetime FROM `contracts` WHERE (begin_date >= '2020-12-01 00:00:00') AND (begin_date <= '2020-12-03 23:59:59.999999') AND (contract_lifetime = 1)

Why does this not work?

You can create the query object: UPSers Login

function check_model_owner(field, value, callback) { 
  var query = {};
  query[field] = value;
  Model.find({where: query}, function(err, models) {
