how to use a $var in escape_javascript

Hi All,

A question on using javascript within a view to render a partial. Been struggling wit this for a bit. I've multiple partials in my views and I want to replace them within a specific div, how do I get this variable 'page' within the escape_javascript and replace it with 'reviews' so I can render the other pages (Such as specials, gallery, etc) within that div.

Thanks. Appreciate the help! Below is the code snippet.

  <script type="text/javascript">

  $(function(load_content) {     $("#reviews, #specials, #gallery, #location, #contact, #about").click(function() {       var page =;       //alert (page);

      $.pageslide.close();       var content = "<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'reviews')) %>";       $("#content").html(content);     })   })   </script>

Hi All,

A question on using javascript within a view to render a partial. Been struggling wit this for a bit. I've multiple partials in my views and I want to replace them within a specific div, how do I get this variable 'page' within the escape_javascript and replace it with 'reviews' so I can rbender the other pages (Such as specials, gallery, etc) within that div.

Thanks. Appreciate the help! Below is the code snippet.

You can't - the call to escape_javascript happens server side, whereas the value of page will only be known client side, at the point where the user clicks on something. You could load the content via ajax
