How to upgrade rails 2 application to rails 3?

I developed a rails application using rails 2.3.8 version but now how to upgrade this application in rails 3.0 version.

i think u have to change all its dependencies a/c to -v 3.0

Google for rails 3 upgrade and you will get many helpful links (and a few unhelpful ones of course).

Before you start make sure you have full test coverage and that you are using a version control system (probably git).


Follow this video, may useful to You

Possibly this railscasts would help you:

<#225 Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1 - RailsCasts; <#226 Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2 - RailsCasts; <#227 Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3 - RailsCasts;

Also there is another one for upgrading to 3.1 with a 3.0 base, that could be helpfull too:

<#282 Upgrading to Rails 3.1 - RailsCasts;

HTH Norbert