how to truncate tables before seeding data?

I read your post this morning and thought, "WOW! Rails has defined an approach for seeding data. That's great! I'll have to look into that." But I didn't have an answer for you. Then later this morning, I went looking for something I'd seen on Ryan Bates excellent Railscasts site ( and found episode #179 staring me in the face. I highly recommend watching Ryan's tutorial on the subject, but I can give you the punchline: #find_or_create_by_name("blah"), or, alternatetively, Mytable.delete_all.



thanks for the link. I'll have a look at it later. Well I know of Mytable.delete_all but I have like 40 tables already and find it a bit annoying to write them down by hand. I'm looking for some function that iterates through all my tables and truncates them.

Something like: Blabla.allTablesOrModels.each do |t|   t.delete_all end

If you want to delete all of the data in all of the tables, and you are using sqlite3, you could just delete db/development.sqlite3 and then either rerun your migrations, or execute "rake db:schema:load". If you are using MySQL, then you could probably use PHPMyAdmin or the command line to delete the data. (You could use the command line to delete the data in an Sqlite3 database as well.)


ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(“TRUNCATE #{table}”) end

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Abhinav