How to sort select tag options?

problem is that you are using a hash, which have no guaranteed order. try an array like this:

  <%= select(:feedbacks, :directedto, ([["----Select One----", "none"], ["Business contact", "Business Contact"], ["Technical support", "Technical Support"], ["Payment Help", "Payment Help"]]), {:selected => "none"}, {:class=>"field", :style=>"width:192px;"}) %>

MaD wrote:

problem is that you are using a hash, which have no guaranteed order. try an array like this:

  <%= select(:feedbacks, :directedto, ([["----Select One----", "none"], ["Business contact", "Business Contact"], ["Technical support", "Technical Support"], ["Payment Help", "Payment Help"]]), {:selected => "none"}, {:class=>"field", :style=>"width:192px;"}) %>

Thank You so much... That did the trick... Thanks again...