How to set Sender Name in the From: header in Action Mailer

I have setup ActionMailer to send mails via Gmail.

Here are the settings:

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address => "", :port => "587", :domain => "", :authentication => :plain, :user_name => "", :password => "secret" } The "admin" username has an email account setup with a name of "Mailer Account"

How do I set the From: header so that the user's inbox shows the name on the account that the mail is sent from instead of the username "admin" that shows up currently.

How do I get this to happen?

Thanks in advance

I think I did something like

From "Master Chief <"

It was very similar to that and it worked.

kopf1988 wrote:

I think I did something like

From "Master Chief <"

It was very similar to that and it worked.

On May 9, 12:56 pm, Hari Rajagopal <>

I tried in the smtp settings

:user_name => "Mailer Account <>",

and it didn't work

Gmail does not let you alter the "from" email address when relaying. You can specify the "from" name in your mailer, but it will use the "from" address for the credentials that you supply to log into your account. I wanted emails to come from "My Company <>", but our webmaster account is a nickname for my account, so it does not have its own login credentials. Since I had to use my account information to log in, when I send an email, it will say "My Company <>" in the "from" field.

If you're not using Gmail, specifying "from" in the mailer works fine.


I changed delivery method to :sendmail and it started to work for me :slight_smile:

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail

I hope it helps to you also :slight_smile: