I have two separate groups of people authenticated w Devise , but in this case I cannot used the Devise embedded OmniAuth support. So i am using directly the OmniAuth gem.
Initialized w : Rails.configuration.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do ..provider :twitter, .. end
It's running fine , but I have an issue with the callback route mapping :
I tried match '/users/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'users/ omniauth_callbacks#create' match '/members/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'members/ omniauth_callbacks#create' but the provider ( fb , twitter, google) claimebd about the callback uri : "/auth/:provider/callback" .. as the path_prefix (:path_prefix => "/auth" ) is set in the initializer , I have no mean to modify it dynamically...
any clue ? or feedback from previous experiences...