How to return more than one value from a function?


  In an action in admin_controller, I called a method in the model ci.rb   The code is shown below:

   In controller:        can_delete = Ci.is_ci_class_in_use(ci_type, @ci_classes)

   Then in model:

     class Ci < ActiveRecord::Base

       def self.is_ci_class_in_use(ci_type,ci_classes)          @cis=self.find_all_by_citype(ci_type.to_s)          for ci in @cis            for ci_class in ci_classes              if ci.content.ci_class.to_i ==                can_delete = 0                ci_number = ci.ci_number                break              else                can_delete = 1              end            break if can_delete==0           end           break if can_delete==0          end         return # I have to return two variables can_delete and ci_number here.        end      end

     How can I return the two variables can_delete and ci_number?      Please help.

Thanks Regards Suneeta

Unnikrishnan Kp wrote:

Why dont you return it as an Array? - return [can_delete,ci_number]

On Jun 24, 11:09 am, Suneeta Km <>


Thank you for your help. I tried returning it as an array. Then I printed it in the console to see how it is returned.

  can_delete = Ci.is_ci_class_in_use(ci_type, @ci_classes)   puts "the value returned is: " +can_delete.to_s

It printed:   the value returned is: 0CI15

  The value of can_delete = 0 and ci_number = CI15

How can I retrieve these values from the returned array?

Thanks Suneeta

return as hash or array return {:can_delete => 0, :ci_number => what_ever_the_number}


thank you.. it works. I returned it as an array

Suneeta Km wrote:

thank you.. it works. I returned it as an array

You can also just use more than one variable on the receiving end and send each value back independently (not in an array).

var_1, var_2 = some_method

def some_method     return 'hi', 'there' end

Peace, Phillip