how to restrict edit/removing privileges on others' records?

Hello,I am quite new on rails. Currently making CRUD apps in rails 3.0 in windows. I've used devise [1.1.rc0] for authentication.In those apps, any logged in user can change other user's details.

How can I design the app, so that any logged in user can edit/remove his details only if he wishes to do so and can only view others' records. I am trying to say that users should be recognized by his unique username/email id and as per that he should be assigned the writing privileges on his records only.

After logging in he should be directed to his own page,where his details are stored.He can Update and Delete any of his details there.But can only View the main page where his record will be kept with other records.He should not be able to remove or edit others' records.



I understand most of your requirements except this one "But can only View the main page where his record will be kept with other records."

I would use devise along with an authentication scheme here is a link for railscasts on authentication

you would assign the roles so a user can edit his own records and only view others

do you have anything like this installed? What are you using for logging in a user?

How can I design the app, so that any logged in user can edit/remove

his details only if he wishes to do so and can only view others’


I am trying to say that users should be recognized by his unique

username/email id and as per that he should be assigned the writing

privileges on his records only.

CanCan is probably the most popular access control solution for Rails. It can easily accomplish what you describe, and more. It works fine with Devise. You can probably do what you want with just Devise, but I would really recommend CanCan - and it is really not that difficult to implement. Here is a good rails cast for it: . There has been a a lot of capability added since that was recorded, so be sure to look at the latest release notes for CanCan on github.