How to redirect with multiple controller


I have two controllers

1, api/risk_profiles 2, admin/risk_profiles

When i submitted a form then a new record was created in ‘api/risk_profiles’ controller and the action name ‘create’.

Now, i want to redirect to ‘admin/risk_profiles’ show action. Because i have upload some API process is there. currently i have used the below codes but it not performed

def create

@risk_profile =


**redirect_to api_risk_profiles_url(:id => @risk_profile) **




Rails console result 19:49:48 rails.1 | Redirected to http://localhost:5000/api/risk_profiles?id=304046b8-fd04-4310-b475-636ac60d111a



I have two controllers

1, api/risk_profiles 2, admin/risk_profiles

When i submitted a form then a new record was created in 'api/risk_profiles' controller and the action name 'create'.

Now, i want to redirect to 'admin/risk_profiles' show action. Because i have upload some API process is there. currently i have used the below codes but it not performed

?? The "below codes" don't match what you're saying you want to do.

def create     @risk_profile =

    if           redirect_to api_risk_profiles_url(:id => @risk_profile)     end   end

but the result below looks like it matches the redirect code above

Rails console result 19:49:48 rails.1 | Redirected to http://localhost:5000/api/risk_profiles?id=304046b8-fd04-4310-b475-636ac60d111a

So which is correct, the code or your description?

Thanks for your reply Hassan,

I got the solution using helper method.

Actually admin should upload the user details to another site manually. Now my clients need the upload process also performed when user was created a form. So, currently i have moved the codes into helper and access in both functionality(manual and automatic).