as the user is available in the controller directly through a method,
there is no need to use a hidden field or pass it with the form in any
other way. Besides, this would enable users to play with the form data
and e.g. post comments under another users id.
Instead, user this approach:
def create
@comment =[:comment])
# .... and so on, usual stuff
Buy building the object though the associations #build method, the
user_id column is automatically filled in, and for the user there is
no way of hacking another id into this.
This approach should be used in othert similar situations with nested
resources as well. it makes the code cleaner and more secure in
Ok so now I don't use any field and expect the controller to know about
the user. I did a test, user1 is loged in when posting.
This is the POST generated to create a comment:
Processing CommentsController#create (for at 2008-03-05
14:57:51) [POST]
Session ID:
Parameters: {
"comment"=>{"body"=>"A new comment by user1"}}
Comment Create (0.000000)←[0m ←[0m
INSERT INTO `comments` (`program_id`, `updated_at`, `body`, `user_id`,
`created_at`) VALUES(1, '2008-03-05 14:57:51', 'A new comment by
user1', NULL, '2008-03-05 14:57:51')
So as we see the user_id is not included in the parameters at all. And
from the last part we see that the VALUE for user_id is NULL. So I'm
still facing the same problem that let me to try the hidden field.
I think that line was the final hint. But then I realized that at this
point I just want to see the user name and so far I was dealing with the
id, so I would need to look for the right name based on the user id.
So, I changed the comments model so that is contains a created_by string
instead of a reference to user.
another consideration is if you want to allow users to delete their
own comments. If you just store the username for a comment, you can't
allow this, unless your usernames are unique and can't be changed. So
yes, storing the id for the user is much better.
You might also want to check out the acts_as_commentable plugin which
provides a porlymorphic comment class, allowing you to assign comments
to various different models.
You can also use the userstamp plugin which will assign the currently
logged in user's id to the object being created if your model contains
a 'created_by' column in the associated database table. I'm a big fan
of this option, since I often like to record the id of the user that
created or updated an object.