How to open PDF file in browser ?

Please help me ,

How to open .pdf extension file in browser ?

Just put the pdf in your railsapp/public folder and provide a link to it. So if file is railsapp/public/myfile.pdf provide a link to /myfile.pdf


Thanks , for your reply same thing is happen here but when i click on link to open pdf file browser automatically gives download window.So , i can not understand how to open file in browser !

I think that is a function of how the browser is setup, nothing to do with your application.


Thanks , Colin

         Basically i am passing file name in URL , that's way i am trying to open file in browser and i can not find more help regarding this topic and i have seen this functionality in .It's working fine i do not think for this they have used any extra functionality.

Thanks Dharmdip.

When I click on the Table-top Sign pdf link in that page firefox it asks whether I want to save or open it.

Post the html for the pdf link in your page (use page view source in your browser to see it)


Firstly you have not posted the html for the link.

However I think the above message means that it has downloaded and saved the file to the temp folder shown and then tried to open it, and failed. Possibly it is corrupted. I would suggest going and having a look at that file (in temp folder) and see if it is ok. Alternatively (or also) in your web page right click the link and select Save Link As (or similar), download it and see if you can open it. I presume you have checked that the pdf file in your public folder will open ok if you access it directly rather than through the web server. Is the file on your pc or on a remote server?


Thanks Colin ,

    When i put one file in public folder and after accessing thought URL it opens in browser now i know what happens . I have used attachment_fu for file uploading, and files is stored here (/groups_file/000/0045/test.pdf) so i need to make URL pertaining to this path that's way i can open file in browser i think so.

Thanks and Regards, Dharmdip

Easiest way to ask the browser to simply "display" a file instead of downloading it is to do the following in your controller's action:

send_file(path, :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => 'inline')

The :disposition is the important part; typically you'll be setting this to either 'inline' to "force" the browser to view the file inline or 'attachment' to "force" it to download (I use quotes because nothing is really guaranteed in the browser world).

This post was from 3 years ago. Please do not raise the dead.