i just want to incorporate a chat in a my rails application... please help me how to incorporate a chart in my rails application
Have you tried googling for ruby rails chart, there are lots of options. Also search the archives on this list as it has been discussed recently.
Soutom Soutom wrote:
i just want to incorporate a chat in a my rails application... please help me how to incorporate a chart in my rails application
FusionCharts Free
Alpha Blue wrote:
Soutom Soutom wrote:
i just want to incorporate a chat in a my rails application... please help me how to incorporate a chart in my rails application
FusionCharts Free
Hell no. You don't need Flash charts for most applications, and they'll just make the app less accessible. Try Google Charts or Google Visualizations first. I think there are plugins or gems for both. Gruff is also worth a look.