I have a dump of some tables to be filled when the app is setup
I would like to execute a task similar to the >mysql source
like :
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("source #{path};") (which
doesn't run fine, of course....
is it possible in a rake task ? if yes, any suggestion ?
I had a similar problem, and started out declaring the username and password in every line of the rake tasks. Did not like that, since I had many rake tasks, and changing a database connection meant changing every line in the rake code.
A better way is as follows (I read this from some google post, but cannot remember who it was, so sorry about not giving credit where credit is due):
1> DBConn is an active record connection.
2> Parse the sql file by splitting on ‘;’.
task :create_empty_schema do
sql = File.open(“path_to_your_file/dataload.sql”).read
sql.split(‘;’).each do |sql_statement|
puts "Empty Schema has been created ‘#{Time.now}’ "
Remove blank lines from the end of the file, or else it complains. So, it is a little brittle.