how to find out autoincrement id ?


I need to push newly created item id to file. (ie. its autoincrement value)

I tried this on controller but it wont work, it cant find id value for the newly created item.

  def create     @imitem =[:imitem])

system "echo \"\" > /tmp/myid"

any help ?

You have to save the record to the database to get an id, so you must use #create instead of #new or call #save after you create the object.


Well I have it on create function like this but this just prints string to file no the real id number

  def create     @imitem =[:imitem])

    respond_to do |format|

      if         flash[:notice] = 'Imitem was successfully created.'       format.html { redirect_to(imitems_url) }         format.xml { render :xml => @imitem, :status => :created, :location => @imitem }

system "echo \"\" > /tmp/myid"

      else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @imitem.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end     end

KTU wrote:


I need to push newly created item id to file. (ie. its autoincrement value)

I tried this on controller but it wont work, it cant find id value for the newly created item.

  def create     @imitem =[:imitem])

system "echo \"\" > /tmp/myid"

any help ?

It won't assign an ID until you save it. Add a:

Or change your code to:

  @imitem = Imitem.create(params[:imitem])

Then will have a value. All new records have an id of nil.

KTU wrote:

Well I have it on create function like this but this just prints string to file no the real id number

system "echo \"\" > /tmp/myid"

Well you are just printing a string. Your is not being evaluated as ruby code, just raw text.


  system "echo \"#{}\" > /tmp/myid"

The #{ ... } is a double quoted string evalulates its content as ruby, and puts the output in that spot in the string.