How to do retrieve database records with multiple joins?

I'm not sure if this is a rails question or sql. Anyway...

I have three models: book, author, publisher I have has_and_belongs_to_many relationships between book and author and between book and publisher, so tables: authors_books and books_publishers

Now, I want to find books that match a particular author(s) and also a particular publisher(s).

Can someone shed some light?

I found a couple of articles that are close but aren't exactly what I'm trying to do.

So, publisher <-> book <-> author


class Book < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :publishers has_and_belongs_to_many :authors

def self.find_with_authors_and_publishers(id)   find(id, :include => [:authors, :publishers]) end end

book = Book.find_with_authors_and_publishers(1) book.authors # => array of authors book.publishers # => array of publishers

note that the include is what creates the joins and reduces it all to one query.

if you do not use the include it will still work but will make three separate queries but will not query again but will pull the results from a cache because the authors/publishers methods are singletons. the process created by the include is referred to as eager loading.

So my understanding is that the include takes the 3 tables and makes it into one table. So I tried the following in the console:

books = Book.find(:all, :include => [:authors, :publishers]) books # => array of books

Now, shouldn't books[0] have the attributes - author_id and publisher_id?

To follow that up, if I wanted to find books that have an author_id of 3 or 5 and a publisher_id of 2, how would I write that?

Thanks for your help.

So my understanding is that the include takes the 3 tables and makes it into one table. So I tried the following in the console:

books = Book.find(:all, :include => [:authors, :publishers]) books # => array of books

It doesnt. It means that books[12].authors won't hit the database
because it was all looked up in one go.


Does Book.find_by_author_and_publisher(@author_id, @publisher_id) work?

eggman2001 wrote:

So my understanding is that the include takes the 3 tables and makes it into one table. So I tried the following in the console:

books = Book.find(:all, :include => [:authors, :publishers]) books # => array of books

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

  def self.find_all_by_author_and_publisher(author, publisher)     q =<<-END       select b.* from books b       join books_publishers bp on bp.book_id =       join author_books ab on ab.book_id =       where bp.publisher_id = #{}       and ab.author_id = #{}     END     find_by_sql(q)   end end

NOT TESTED.. salt to taste..

ActiveRecord simply rules the roost but sometimes you are quicker to just get your hands dirty for the sake of simplicity and speed..

(Loading all books in your db as you suggested earlier is akin to suicide and you seem like a really nice guy so please reconsider)

Eager loading makes perfect sense in instances where you KNOW you will be using the associations.. If you just need the books then don't bother with it.. (Beware of premature optimization and overpriced consultants)



Mark Wilden wrote:

Rats. I was hoping that Rails would transform that, but I guess that would be too much.

If you wanted something really simple, you could do

        Book.find_by_author_id(@author_id) & Book.find_by_publisher_id(@publisher_id)


I didn't look at the beginning of this thread, but I suspect that you want

     Book.find_all_by_...               ^^^^^

if you expect there to be more than one. (Otherwise you get the first match)


Rob Biedenharn

Mark Wilden wrote:

Book.find_by_author_id(@author_id) & Book.find_by_publisher_id(@publisher_id)

That wouldn't work either

No, I'm pretty sure it works just fine. But you mean it wouldn't be performant.

as you would be left with a lot of book on both sides and then would have to find the intersection between the 2 sets which could be quite costly depending upon the number of books, authors, and publishers within the dataset.

It _could_ be costly, but is it, for this application?

There are many solutions to this particular problem but only a few of them scale appropriately

Do we know this has to scale?

Seriously, of course I understand your objections (and of course I understand the relative inefficiency of my suggestion), but when in doubt, I just do the simplest thing that could possibly work and move on. Whether the intersection thing "could possibly work" is a question for the OP. I don't think it rates an automatic "this won't work."

At any rate, it was an idea, not necessarily a recommendation. :slight_smile:


That doesn't work (I tried it). My understanding is that the find_by_<attribute> dynamic finder only works if that attribute is in the Model you're calling it on, and in table relationships, the attribute exists only in the belongs_to side of a has_xxx relationship.

  def self.find_all_by_author_and_publisher(author, publisher)     q =<<-END       select b.* from books b       join books_publishers bp on bp.book_id =       join author_books ab on ab.book_id =       where bp.publisher_id = #{}       and ab.author_id = #{}     END     find_by_sql(q)   end end

That works, thank you.

Now, what about a situations where a user can choose multiple values for each attribute? For example, you list every author in the Author table and the user can select which ones he/she is interested in. The user can choose 1 author, 5 authors or all of them.

You're right - sorry about that. I tried it too, but I mistakenly tried it on a belongs_to model. And Rob's right, too that it has to be find_all_xxx.

As Emily Litella would say, "Never mind." :slight_smile:


Now, what about a situations where a user can choose multiple values for each attribute? For example, you list every author in the Author table and the user can select which ones he/she is interested in. The user can choose 1 author, 5 authors or all of them.

I've figured this out. Just to modify IIan's code:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

  def self.find_all_by_author_and_publisher(author, publisher)     q =<<-END       select b.* from books b       join books_publishers bp on bp.book_id =       join author_books ab on ab.book_id =       where bp.publisher_id IN (#{publisher == 'all' ? 'publisher_id': publisher})       and ab.author_id IN (#{author == 'all' ? 'author_id': author})     END     find_by_sql(q)   end end

Now both arguments (author and publisher) will accept a string of the form '1, 3, 5....' (and can contain little or many numbers as you want) to find the matching rows and also take the string 'all', which will effectively disregard that argument.

I wonder if it would be worth making this more ActiveRecordy by using Book.find_all with :conditions, and :join. The nice thing about that would be you could construct proper where clauses instead of using the author_id = author_id trick. I'd actually proposed the latter as a solution to another problem a while ago, but someone posted the ARy solution and it might have advantages.


I wonder if it would be worth making this more ActiveRecordy by using Book.find_all with :conditions, and :join. The nice thing about that would be you could construct proper where clauses instead of using the author_id = author_id trick. I'd actually proposed the latter as a solution to another problem a while ago, but someone posted the ARy solution and it might have advantages.


How would you re-write it? I'm not aware of alternatives to the author_id = author_id trick.

You just construct your :conditions clause programmatically. If 'all' is desired, then you don't even have a condition for that part. Another nice thing about using :conditions gives you some niceties, such as generating IN (...) when the condition contains an array.
