how to customize config/database.yml

Short form: What's the best way to customize my environment so "rails new ..." uses a custom template rather than the default?

Long form: Every time I create a new Rails project, the first thing I do is edit config/database.yml so the lines that previously read:

development:   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   reconnect: false   database: myapp_development   pool: 5   username: root   password:   socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

instead read:

development:   adapter: mysql   encoding: utf8   reconnect: false   database: myapp_development   pool: 5   username: <%= ENV['MYSQL_USERID'] || "root" %>   password: <%= ENV['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] || "" %>   socket: <%= ENV['MYSQL_SOCKET'] || "/tmp/mysql.sock" %>

... that is, it picks up the values for username, password and socket from environment variables I've set.

I *could* edit $RAILS/generators/...mysql.yml directly, but there are two problems: first, it's a bad idea to modify core files, and second, it pre-expands the .yml code so my username and password are exposed in the resulting file. Not what I want...

Another approach would be to write a rake task to post-facto modify the file, but that seems a bit clunky.

WWDHD? (What would David Heinemeier do?)

- ff

Short form: What's the best way to customize my environment so "rails new ..." uses a custom template rather than the default?

Sounds like you want rails' app templates ( there's a screencast at #148 App Templates in Rails 2.3 - RailsCasts )


Frederick Cheung wrote: