how to create console application

Hi All,

I want to create a console application using ruby. Can you please provide me the details/idea?

Lots of thanks, Priya

That is nothing to do with RoR of course, but just write a file.rb run it by ruby file.rb You can use puts etc to access the console.


I want to create a new console using ruby code. From the new console, i'll execute my commands.

What do you mean by create a new console? Please describe in more detail what you are trying to do.


I'm creating a new object for a class using irb. At that time, if the object is created successfully, a new console should be open. The newly opened console should act as the created object.

so that i can execute all the instance methods through the newly opened console, without prefixing object to the methods.

am i clear?

I'm creating a new object for a class using irb. At that time, if the object is created successfully, a new console should be open. The newly opened console should act as the created object.

so that i can execute all the instance methods through the newly opened console, without prefixing object to the methods.

You can use the ruby method 'system' to run system commands to open a command shell if that is what you mean.


No Colin, i don't want to execute system commands.

For eg,

1) I'm requiring a gem in console.(require "somegem") 2) I'll create object of the gem. (@obj = 3) Using the created object, i'll access the methods in the gem. (@obj.get_details())

In the above mentioned steps, while i'm creating a object, a new console should open, which represents the object.

I just give the instance method names in the opened console.i.e, get_details() instead of @obj.get_details().

Is this making sense?

Which OS are you running (Ubuntu, XP etc)? How do you open the first console?


Am using Ubuntu 10.04. Just using irb.

Please don't top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread, insert your reply into the previous post, thanks.

So to open a console you open a terminal window and then run irb. If you want to open another console then AFAIK you will need to run a system command to open another terminal and run irb. Something like system( 'gnome-terminal -e irb') Unless someone knows another way.


Colin Law wrote in post #977860:

I think you can use Irb to jump into another object :

irb Mix Tape — err.the_blog (3rd paragraph)

Here is something that I created for myself to have capybara console: It creates and object, extends it with the capybara api and jumps into it.

I couldn't find an easier way to jump into an object with irb at the beginning of the session.

I hope this will help.

Robert Pankowecki

The concept of nested irb shells is already supported by irb. You merely have to use the method “irb ” while in irb to insert yourself into the instance’s namespace.

irb(main):001:0> class Test

irb(main):002:1> def test_method

irb(main):003:2> “test method called correctly”

irb(main):004:2> end

irb(main):005:1> end

=> nil

irb(main):006:0> irb

irb#1(#Test:0x1c67478):001:0> test_method

=> “test method called correctly”

irb#1(#Test:0x1c67478):002:0> quit

=> #<IRB::Irb: @scanner=#RubyLex:0x1bac510, @context=#IRB::Context:0x1bacbc8, @signal_status=:IN_EVAL>

irb(main):007:0> quit

