How to change ActiveRecord date format conversion

I am using custom control for entering a date on the form. My date format is and this is also what the control returns to program. But ActiveRecord expects date to be formated as mm.dd.yyyy and thus saves wrong value to database.

I have implemented method which corrects date fields prior to save to database, but it is clumsy. There must be a solution to configure ActiveRecord so it will interpret my date string corectly. It does so for strings formated like yyyymmdd.

by TheR

Override the date= method in the model (change date to whatever attribute is the date you are trying to fix), and use ParseDate to turn the string data into a date object. This should probably be in the controller your form is posting to, though, and not Active Record. If you pass in a valid Time object, AR will put it in the correct DB format.

also have a look at plugin validates_date_time By default, it allows european format entry and displays dates in the universal format yyyy-mm-dd
