how to call a c bin from a controller

Hi, I am a newbee and for my project i have to call a C bin from the cgi- bin rep of my host ,i want to call the script from my controller...I'am sure it's a trivial question but i havent found the answer on google, I hope that someone could show my the right solution,

here the Php script to call the CGI I want to do something like that in my rails app

function urlSPPlus($urlCGI)

{    $handle = fopen($urlCGI, "rb");    if (!$handle) { return "Error cgi script."; }    $contents = fgetss($handle, 2048);    fclose($handle);    list($debut,$url,$fin) = split("'", $contents, 3);    return $url; }

Hi, I am a newbee and for my project i have to call a C bin from the cgi- bin rep of my host ,i want to call the script from my controller...I'am sure it's a trivial question but i havent found the answer on google, I hope that someone could show my the right solution,

IO.popen is probably what you want.


Thanks Fred, for yout help

But I think I don't undesrtand something I have made some test

cgi-bin/hello.rb=> simple hello world so in my controller: IO.popen("../../../cgi-bin/hello.rb", "w+") do |pipe|     pipe.close_write      output =      @output=output    end in my view <%=@output%> => "hello world" its ok

but when i use the same script for the hmac_demo.exe (the real cgi given by my bank) the result in my view is an error with pipe.puts "my params"

text/html Status: 0 Unknown Request Method Error 407 Unknown Request Method Only POST or GET request methods are available

So I made a new test like that : @urlcgihmac = "../../../cgi-bin/hmac_wahine_decoration.exe" @urlhmac = "#{@urlcgihmac}? montant=#{@montant}&reference=#{@reference}&email=#{@email}&langue=#{@langue}&moyen=#{@moyen}&modalite=#{@modalite}" IO.popen("#{@urlhmac}", "w+") ...ect

but with that in my view I'haven't got any result

please help me!