How to add parameter and condition in function dynamically??

Hi All,        I have one function in that function i wanna add parameters and conditions dynamically.

I hope you got me if yes please tell me what should i do.

Thanks Varun Kumar

Hi All,       I have one function in that function i wanna add parameters and conditions dynamically.

I hope you got me if yes please tell me what should i do.

You're going to have to be more specific.


If you have:

def foo(*bar)   bar.class # => Array end

So the parameters becomes an array of values, including an empty array if nothing is passed in.

Then you can do stuff like:

foo foo "one", "two" foo :a => "b" etc.

Is that what you were looking for?


Another pseudo-random guess...

I've had several places where I've done something like this in a controller:

FIND_OPTIONS = {:limit=>10, :offset=>0, :order=>:name} def index   find_options = FIND_OPTIONS.dup   find_options.reverse_merge :name=>params[:name] if params[:name].blank?   ... other options...   SomeModel.find(:all, find_options) end

That allows you to search only for arguments that are supplied by the user (ignoring blanks as don't cares).

If you want to only add/update data as returned from a form submission... Rails already does that for you.