How to add an exe to Rails app

I have been hacking around with this for a bit but want to see if there is an easy way:

I am using Heroku and I have the wkhtmltopdf static binary in: rails_root/vendor/wkhtmltopdf

I am not using any plug ins for wkhtmltopdf, just the executable, on purpose and want to keep it this way.

My code wants to execute wkhtmltopdf:

# tell wkhtmltopdf to convert html file to pdf
%x[wkhtmltopdf-amd64 #{html_path} #{new_pdf_path}]

But it is not found… is there a way I can tell my rails app to look in vendor/wkhtmltopdf for the exe?

Easiest thing is probably to construct the full path to your binary rather than relying on what may or may not be in $PATH


David Kahn wrote in post #961433:

I have been hacking around with this for a bit but want to see if there is an easy way:

I am using Heroku and I have the wkhtmltopdf static binary in: rails_root/vendor/wkhtmltopdf

I am not using any plug ins for wkhtmltopdf, just the executable, on purpose and want to keep it this way.

