Hello, I registered in a site called basecamp. After I registered, they gave me a url like http://xxx.basecamp.com where i have to log in access my project management. I heard that basecamp is built in ruby on rails. I couldn't get the point of building a subdomain like url. Can anyone give some guidance of how to create a sub domain like url using rails? Thanks in advance
You can use subdomains for various purposes. One is to host different servers (eg mail.example.com and www.example.com), or to host different applications (eg blog@example.com and forum@example.com).
I believe Basecamp use it to have nicer URLs. The standard way would be: //www.example.com/~rockroll/..., or //www.example.com/...?user_id=123456
//rockroll.example.com/... looks nicer.
A few links: http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/HowToUseSubdomainsAsAccountKeys