How do you auto-start your Rails Development Environment??? [Mac OS X]


I’m keen in understanding & seeing scripts (applescripts?) for how most RoR developers auto-start their environment? [Mac OS X]

Currently I’m:

  • starting Locomotive

  • using this to trigger iTerm sessions (as it sets up the rails paths for me)

  • iTerm1: server

  • iTerm2: tail -f log

  • iTerm3: autotest (continuous integration - lite)

  • iTerm4: general for Rails/Rake commands

  • using Locomotive trigger startup of TextMate in my project area

  • startup CocoMySql + open connection to database + choose my test database

Obviously I want to cut down / automate this so it all happens at once.

Any suggestions / applescript examples etc would be great. Questions that come to mind for me: Q1 - Dropping use of Locomotive - I need to research/find out how to launch iTerm sessions and set-up required Rails/Ruby environment variables myself so I don’t become reliant on Locomotive. Perhaps I will need to install a non-Locomotive version of Rails as a starter?

Q2 - Learn how to applescript starting up multiple iTerm sessions? Any code examples available from people? Q3 - Starting up Textmate via applescript (hopefully should be able to work this on out quickly) Q4 - Starting up CocoMySql via applescript (hopefully should be able to work this on out quickly)

Thanks in advance Greg