How do I tell an object that it is not valid? My model is
class EcOrder < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ec_line_items
validates_associated :ec_line_items
and in addition to the above, I want the model to only be valid is it
has one or more valid :ec_line_items. So when creating it, can I set
its status to invalid if I don't detect it has been assigned multiple
child line_items?
@ec_order =[:ec_order])
# See if it has line items and if not, set status to
if (!@ec_order.valid?)
# Do something
and in addition to the above, I want the model to only be valid is it
has one or more valid :ec_line_items. So when creating it, can I set
its status to invalid if I don't detect it has been assigned multiple
child line_items?
You can write a custom validation in the model:
def validate
errors.add(:ec_line_items, "is empty") if ec_line_items.empty?
Hey Roderick, Thanks. This works great. One follow up I have is I
notice when I'm redirected back to the original view because my model
failed validation I have this line
<% error_messages_for :ec_order %>
but nothing gets printed out. Here's the action in the controller
def summary
# Get the subscriber corresponding to the client.
params[:ec_order][:user_id] = session[:user_id]
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
params[:ec_order][:subscriber_id] = @user.user_id@ec_order =[:ec_order])
if (params[:form] != nil)
for form_item_id in params[:form][:form_items]
@form_item =
FormItem.find(form_item_id) => form_item_id,
=> @form_item.description,
=> @form_item.day_supply,
=> @form_item.prescription_number)
if (!@ec_order.valid?)
@form = Form.find_by_user_id(
render :action => 'new'
session[:ec_order] = @ec_order
Not sure if I needed to do anything extra with the method you gave me,
but I thought adding to the "errors" was the way to go. Thanks again
for your help, - Dave