How do I find all entries, except the newest entry, created?

I'm looking to do a Post.find(:all) -- finding all entries but the newest one created. Maybe something in this format, although I'm not sure:

Post.find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC", :conditions => "**EXCLUDE NEWEST ENTRY CREATED**"])

Any idea?

Bob Sanders wrote:

I'm looking to do a Post.find(:all) -- finding all entries but the newest one created. Maybe something in this format, although I'm not sure:

Post.find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC", :conditions => "**EXCLUDE NEWEST ENTRY CREATED**"])

I don't think you can do with a SQL. Just find all and get rid of it.

Post.find(:all), :order=>'created_at DESC').shift


Post.find(:all), :order=>'created_at').pop

You could exclude the highest possible id, with :conditions => " id !=
max(id) "
