How do I build an array of objects from my params?


I have a form model which has_many form_item objects. How do I build a new form model from these objects? This call

                @form = => session[:user_id],                                  :form_items => params[:form_items])

is giving me the error, "ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in FormsController#create -- FormItem expected, got HashWithIndifferentAccess". request passed in is

{"commit"=>"Submit Form", "form_items"=>[{"description"=>"aaa", "prescription_number"=>"111", "day_supply"=>"234"}]}

Below is the partial I'm using to collect form_item data:

<% fields_for "form[form_item_attributes]", form_item do | form_item_form| %> <div class="form_item"> <% @form_item = form_item %> <%= error_messages_for :form_item %> ... table data            <td align="center"><%= text_field_tag "form_items [prescription_number]", form_item.prescription_number, "size" => 15 %></td>            <td align="center"><%= text_field_tag "form_items[#{}][description]", form_item.description, "size" => 15 %></td>            <td align="center"><%= text_field_tag "form_items[#{}][day_supply]", form_item.day_supply, "size" => 15 %></td> ... more table data <% end %>

Thanks for your help, - Dave


I have a form model which has_many form_item objects. How do I build a new form model from these objects? This call

               @form = => session[:user_id],                                 :form_items => params[:form_items])

is giving me the error, "ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in FormsController#create -- FormItem expected, got HashWithIndifferentAccess". request passed in is

Right now, you're going to have to iterate over params[:form_items]
creating activerecord objects as you go.


You posted this same thing on the rails forum. Please do not cross post.

Maybe he wasn't getting an answer? I don't frequent the rails forum and had I known the answer the only way I could have helped would have been answering this post.

Sorry about that. You were perfectly clear, don't know why I missed previous posting. Anyway this is the code I used that worked for me ...

                form_items_arr =                 for form_item in params[:form_items]                         form_item_obj =                         form_items_arr.push(form_item_obj)                 end                 @form = => session[:user_id],                                  :form_items => form_items_arr)

All the best, - Dave

I'm getting an internal server error in my logs, saying

  Status: 500 Internal Server Error   Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of Hash but found an instance of Array. This can be caused by colliding Array and Hash parameters like qs=value&qs[key]=value.

Hi, you should be able to do the following:

form_items_arr = params[:form_items] ) @form = => session[:user_id],

:form_items => form_items_arr)

Good luck,


Sorry about that. You were perfectly clear, don't know why I missed previous posting. Anyway this is the code I used that worked for me ...

               form_items_arr =                for form_item in params[:form_items]                        form_item_obj =                        form_items_arr.push(form_item_obj)                end

You can be slightly more concise: form_items_arr =
params[:form_items].collect {|attrs| attrs}
