How can I use a rjs inside another rjs?

For example:

a.rjs page.insert_html :bottom, :criteriaDiv, :partial => 'criteria_item'

b.rjs page.replace :keywordSearchLink, :partial => 'criteria_item_add_link', :locals => { :form_name => 'keywordFieldset'} page.replace :propertySearchLink, :partial => 'criteria_item_add_link', :locals => { :form_name => 'propertyFieldset'} page.replace :compositionSearchLink, :partial => 'criteria_item_add_link', :locals => { :form_name => 'compositionFieldset'} page.insert_html :bottom, :criteriaDiv, :partial => 'criteria_item'

As we can see, each of the rjs inserts the same content to the same part of the page. I can put the content to be inserted in a partial template, but putting the two "page.insert_html" in one place should be better. How can I do this? Thanks a lot.