how can I set attributes in the intermediate table for a many-to-many situation??? (e.g. when trying to use the << method)

Hi, It seems for the model scenario I have below if there was NO “amount” field on AiAllocation I could go: .business_items << QUESTION: What’s the easiest way to allocate an account item to a business item in this case. I really want something like: .business_items << , Model Scenario (see below) class AccountItem < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :ai_allocations has_many :business_items, :through => :ai_allocations … class AiAllocation < ActiveRecord::Base # Amount field belongs_to :account_item belongs_to :business_item …

class BusinessItem < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :ai_allocations has_many :account_items, :through => :ai_allocations
