how can I get malformed UTF-8 characters to display properly?

Hello everyone,

I'm scraping a lot of sites for a project, and occasionally the scraped content will have "malformed UTF-8" characters. When the scraped content is processed (basically a database record is created), these characters often don't appear as they're supposed to.

Normally, the following code works great:

str.unpack("U*").collect {|s| (s > 127 ? "&##{s};" : s.chr) }.join("")

But it won't work with these "malformed UTF-8" characters. So I've written the following to handle these characters, but it still isn't perfect. For example, I scraped this page:

The alt attribute of the first thumbnail, steel surround, contains the text "Steel has that effect where you'd least expect it". The ' character shows up as Õ when I use the method below, and the "d" is just swallowed.

    data.gsub!(/\323/, '"')

    require 'oniguruma'

    o ='[^[:ascii:]]')     # o ='[^[:ascii:]]', {:encoding => Oniguruma::ENCODING_UTF8})     chars =     data.each_char{|c|chars << c}     chars.collect do |c|       if o.match c         begin           "&##{c.unpack('U*').first};"         rescue ArgumentError           add_log_message("Has malformed UTF-8 characters")           #handling malformed UTF-8 : a huge pain and possibly future cause of problems           bytes =           c.each_byte{|b| bytes << b}           # assumes we're handling at most, 2-byte strings. We have no way if the malformed character is           # supposed to be one byte or two, but we're assuming it's 1.           ["&##{bytes[0]}"] + bytes[1..-1].collect{|b|b.chr}         end       else         c       end     end.flatten.join('')

Any suggestions?

Thanks! Daniel