Hiding views before using toggle

I want to know how I can have my html text not display when a page loads, but still works with toggle. I.E. when using the css display:none; toggle does not work, but the html is hidden. When I do not use the css display:none; toggle does work, but the html is always present when I first load the page.

Chase Midler wrote:

I want to know how I can have my html text not display when a page loads, but still works with toggle. I.E. when using the css display:none; toggle does not work, but the html is hidden. When I do not use the css display:none; toggle does work, but the html is always present when I first load the page.

Make sure you are loading prototype js libraries for this page -- <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

this example assumes you view has an image which when clicked displays a hidden content and hides it when click again.
