Heroku rails producion enviroment removing css vendor prefixes

I am pushing my code to heroku with a production.rb enviroment file and when I open the css file that rails has created all css vendor prefixes have disappeared. May be sass-rails gem is doing something weird. I don't what is happening.

My css with development.rb development.rb - Pastebin.com

    [layout-align="center center"], [layout-align="start center"],     [layout-align="end center"], [layout-align="space-between center"],     [layout-align="space-around center"] {         -webkit-align-items: center;         -ms-flex-align: center;         align-items: center;     }

My css with production.rb production.rb - Pastebin.com

    [layout-align="center center"], [layout-align="start center"],     [layout-align="end center"], [layout-align="space-between center"],     [layout-align="space-around center"] {         align-items: center     }

I have written to stackoverflow, and rails IRC but I don't get any help.

What can be happening? Do you know if another compressor can work better?Thanks!