Helpers in lib

Hi all,

I have a query about how to access helper methods in a library. I'm trying to create a custom liquid drop thing which has a form in it (a poll), and I'm unable to get form_for to work with "vote_poll_path".

Here's my code for the custom drop (this is in a file in lib):

def render(context)   @vote = =>   output = "<div class='poll'><a href='/polls/#{}'># {@poll.question}</a>"   output += context.capture(form_for @vote, :url => context.vote_poll_path(@vote.poll))   for choice in @poll.choices       output += "<input type='radio' name='choice_id'' value='# {}'>#{choice.description}</input>"   end   output += "</div>"   output += "<input type='submit' value='Vote!' />"   output += "<% end %>" end

And here's the error I get:

Liquid error: undefined method `vote_poll_path’ for #

I've watched Railscast episode 132 (helpers outside views) for some information on how to do this but I'm still stuck. At the end he mentions @template but I can't get that to work either, it gets evaluated as nil. I'd be really grateful for any help.

