Help with the has_one model implementation

I keep getting the following error: NoMethodError in Students#show undefined method `student_accounts_path' for #<#Class:0x007ffe2bf6d688>:0x007ffe2c5e5628>

I am trying to implement a has_one model. I followed the rails guide that used the :post has_many :comments example and tweaked it a bit.

my routes.rb file looks like this: resources :students do     resource :account end

My Students.controller, Account.controller files are attached. Along with the /app/views/students/show.html.erb file

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone please help me?



rake routes

  • and you will see, there really isn’t defined a student_acounts_path


resources :students do

resources :accounts


or alternatively in your show (if you want to add a show, edit or update-action in your accounts_controller without an :id param)

form_for [@student, @student.build_account], :url => student_account_path(@student)


B. Pieck

Thanks for your tips Bente,

I ran rake routes, and this is what I got: student_account POST /students/:student_id/account(.:format) accounts#create

I thought my routes.rb file HAD to be like this: resources :students do   resource :account end

because my Student model only 'has_one' Account (not a has_many)

I changed my form_for to: form_for ([@student, @student.build_account], :url => student_account_path(@student))

And I am no longer getting the 'NoMethodError' BUT the account information is not being saved to the accounts table.

What key concept am I not understanding?

Hi Ayesha,

it might be a typo in your routes:

resource :accounts insted of resourceS :accounts

Also please if you want to connect these tables you need a couple of things, not only nested routes. You also need: - has_many relationship in student.rb - belongs_to relationship in account.rb - you need to add 1-1 table column to both tables which refers to each others. Best way to do it with migrations like "rails generate migration AddStudentIdForAccounts" and AddAccountIdForStudents. Follow this Active Record Migrations — Ruby on Rails Guides Fill these, then run "rake db:migrate" Finally you need the proper nested routes you mentioned above, also controllers and views in place with well-named methods.

So in short way: 2 tables refers to each other (with 2 migrations), 2 model files refers to each other, routes.rb, controllers, views.

HTH! YogiZoli

PS. Highly recommend you this tutorial instead of Guides first: this helped me a lot in understanding full MVC in action!

Hi YogiZoli,

Thanks for your post.

I think you meant has_one instead of 'has_many' (in your first bullet point for student.rb). I tried what you suggested, and my routes.rb file has resource :accounts

I also went back to my original "form_for" text as per my attachment and I no longer see that NoMethodError (YAY!) that I first posted up.

I figured out why (at least i think i did) my 'insert into accounts' would delete when I rendered the show.html.erb file after creating an account.... I had the text ":dependent => :destroy" in the model.rb file

I've updated my models to have that 1-1 relationship. While I was testing it out, I noticed the following in my server logs...

I think I figured it out. It was to do with my @student.build_account in the students#show method. (And as per my original post, I think I had that in my form_for tag).

Because I'm returning to the same page, the foreign key was continually being 'built'.

My students controller looks likes this: def show     @student = Student.find(params[:id])     @account = @student.account     if @account.nil?         @account = @student.build_account     end

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # show.html.erb       format.json { render json: @student }     end   end

And my accounts controller looks like this: def create     @student = Student.find(params[:student_id])     @account = @student.create_account(params[:account])     redirect_to student_path(@student)   end end

And my app/views/students/show.html.erb is attached.
