help with rails on mac

Hello, i am running OSX 10.5 leopard with installed rails 2.2.2 at / usr/bin/. Having wanted to try rails 2.3, i created a gems directory at $HOME/gems and used 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems'. Then i gave a 'gem install rails --source and installed rails 2.3 at $GEM_HOME. I have also installed rake. However, when i run 'rails', the rails2.2.2 is executed. Can anyone help me with this minor problem ? Is there a way to run rails 2.3 instead of 2.2.2 ? i would not like to uninstall rails 2.2.2.

thanks in advance

I might do something like this just to play w/ a 2.3 rails app:

$ cd play $ git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/cdemyanovich/play/rails/.git/ … Resolving deltas: 100% (73189/73189), done. $ ruby rails/railties/bin/rails dummy create create app/controllers … create log/test.log $ cd dummy/vendor $ cp -R ~/play/rails/ rails $

In other words,

  1. go to my play directory
  2. clone rails
  3. use the cloned rails to make a dummy app in my play directory
  4. go to dummy/vendor
  5. copy rails to dummy/vendor/rails (vendoring rails instead of relying on 2.3 early release gems)
  6. play w/ the app

By the way, if you’d prefer something other than sqlite3 as a db, do this in step 3

$ ruby rails/railties/bin/rails dummy -d mysql

see rails --help for more options

Regards, Craig

You don't need to uninstall rails -- here's my system output from

`sudo gem list --local rails`

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rails (2.2.2, 2.1.0, 2.0.2, 1.2.6, 1.2.3)

If I want/need to use other than the latest version, I just put that into config/environment.rb e.g.

RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.1.0' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

Works just fine (and I'm also on Mac OS 10.5).