Help with link_to_function and creating pull down menu

Hi. I'm trying to create a pull down menu, but I'm not sure how to do it using the link_to_function in my view. When the user clicks on the select01.gif, the submenu on the side should display, else if should be hidden. Any help please. Thank you.

<%= link_to_function( image_tag("graphics/ select01.gif", :alt=>'Programming', :size=>'100x20', :border=>0),                          :update => "select01_div",                          :url =>{ :action => :select01_action }) %>

<div id="select01_div">   <%= image_tag 'graphics/ select01.gif', :alt=>'Programming', :size=>'100x20' %> </div>

hi there you could use link_to_remote(link_to) and there :onclick => remote_funcion() to change the div you want I hope it helps

Thanks. I also got this from the Internet, but I wonder if you or anybody knows how I can get the value of an element after setting it. The following will close a divider, but I want it to toggle so that if the user clicks on the "Close" again, the menu will reappear. To do that, I need to get the page[div].??? state of the divider somehow.

In the helper, I have module VideosHelper   def hide_and_reset(div)     update_page do |page|       page[div].hide     end   end end

Then in the view, I have

<tr><td align="center"> <%= link_to_function "Close", hide_and_reset(:select02_div) %> <div id="select02_div">   <h4>test</h4> </div> </td></tr>